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The 15 Best Arduino Projects That You Can Build Right Now

The 15 Best Arduino Projects That You Can Build Right Now

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Students from all around the world use Arduino to create some world-class projects. Arduino consists of a physical programmable circuit board that usually runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board. Arduino is famous all around the world and that is why more and more people love to know about it.

If you are also a geek like me then this detailed article is for you. As of today, we are outlining the 15 best Arduino projects which will help you learn a lot on the way including the magnetic field of electronics realism. So, without waiting a single second let us dive deeper into the list of the best Arduino projects for you to build this year and learn more from it.

Along with Arduino, Raspberry Pi is also very much in demand but it was introduced much later in 2012. However, it has quickly grasped the market as many students and experts know about it and are trying to find out the best ways to make the best out of it. If you are also looking for the best raspberry pi projects then you are at the right place. Here are the top 20 Raspberry pi projects from basic to advanced.

Best Arduino Projects Ever to Work On

1. Building a Weather Display System

Creating a weather system is not only an amazing project for Arduino enthusiasts but also for app developer lovers. However, on moving ahead with this project you will be able to build a small display that shows the current weather along with the maximum and minimum temperature of the day. The best part is that you can also add tomorrow’s weather. You also have the liberty to program the system in a way so that it can display temperatures with different units like Celsius and Fahrenheit. Well, it is a small project to start with but it will surely enhance your Arduino skills required for advanced projects later on.

Features of this Project 

-> Get to learn about the Arduino Adafruit HUZZAH Board and how it works.

-> Learn to install a small OLED graphic display to show weather

-> You can also take one step further by 3D printing the box for a better visual experience.

2. Motion Triggered Light Lamp

Nighttime can be bad for you, especially for your legs as you can stumble upon various objects at night when getting up in the middle of the night. Because of this concern we have come up with this amazing project which will be very useful for you and will be one of the best Arduino projects ever in your life. All you need to do is to build a LED lighting system that can be controlled by an Arduino board. The basic working of this project is that it will trigger the lights as soon as your feet will touch the ground. Not only will it teach you something new but will also leave everyone amazed around you.

Feature of this Amazing Project

-> Gives an aesthetic look along as LED lights are hooked up all around the bed.

-> Learn more about motion sensing on an Arduino board.

-> Also learn to program the system in a way that it doesn’t light up when you are peacefully sleeping or are in a different room.

3. Building a system for muting any phrase you want on TV

The next Arduino project on the list will be very fun to build and rewarding in nature as it will allow you to mute specific phrases on your TV that you do not want to hear. If you are also thinking it is quite challenging for you then yes it will be but this project will help you learn a lot once you are done with it. And it is also very much doable by almost everyone.

Features of this Project

-> This Arduino system detects specific words on the TV by monitoring the closed captioning and mutes those words before they are spoken. 

-> You will learn something new as it requires a Video Experimenter Shield which you need to solder on an Arduino board.

-> It can also be used to unmute the TV after an interval of your choice as long as the selected catchphrase.

4. Build an Ambilight Sensor for Your LCD Display

As we have mentioned earlier that we are only going to discuss the best Arduino project ever, we mean it. Our next project will convert your already existing LCD into a movie-watching system. You need to build an Ambilight sensor that will backlink your computer display to make your movie or video watching experience more impressive. This is another fun project that can offer you a great visual experience once it is completed.

Features of this Project 

-> You will learn to create an illusion of light that will showcase itself behind your monitor for a better and bigger display.

-> The sensors that you will use will detect the accurate color of the background image successfully and change the backlight according to that.

5. Building a Fingerprint Scanner to your Garage Door Opener

The best part of real-life projects is that you get to learn a lot from them. With our next project, you will learn to open your garage gate using the fingerprint scanner. It solves a major practical problem for people which makes it one of the best Arduino projects. It is easy to implement and create a fingerprint scanner on your garage door. All you need is to find the right equipment and an easy way to connect all of them.

Features of this Project 

-> You need to install a small board beside your garage door

-> Also learn to 3D print the case if looking for a visually compelling scanner

-> You will also learn the coding part of this project from the Arduino project hub

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6. Building a Robotic Arm 

We are pretty sure, you must be excited to hear about this project. It is one of the best Arduino projects especially if you are new in the field. This project means building a robotic arm that has some advanced capabilities. If you are a new project because it forces new Arduino learners to learn a lot of different things. You will be introduced to a lot of topics like the most advanced real-life Arduino projects.

Features of this Project

-> You will learn and utilize the meArm robot arm project 

-> Learn about 3D printing of different components of the arm

-> Will learn about the Arduino IDE for coding the underlying logic associated with your robotic arm

7. Full Functional Computer Control Panel 

If you also want to develop a fully functional control panel for your computer then this will be the best Arduino project for you. This project may look very difficult but it is not at all tough. The Arduino project is the brain of the project and the USB controllers will help you control the different aspects of your computer. With this fully functional computer, you can control the system sound to set screen preferences.

Features of this Project

-> The Control panel lets you launch apps, change screen, control volume, and many others. 

-> Allows you to curate the system in a more personalized way. You can update it if you want it to function.

-> Set up a select number of monochrome switches and LEDs for an impressive visual experience.

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8. Build a Robot Car

There is nothing better than a combination of DC motors and Arduino for your electronics project. So, we bring you the best Arduino projects for you which will help you learn a lot of things as you are building a robot car from scratch. The best part is you can use any household materials for your car’s components or if you are aiming for a visually stunning robot then opt for 3D printing the car’s components. This project will give you a deep understanding of advanced motor control.

Features of this Project

-> Will learn to control analog joystick and the L298N driver for controlling the car

-> Your robotic car will be powered with a Li-ion battery and a set of DC motors. We suggest you stick with 12V variants. 

-> You can also learn to implement a wireless controller to control your robotic car

9. Build a Clone of Any of your Game 

This is another best Arduino project on which you can work. If you love games then we are sure you will develop this app. For instance, we can create a clone of the popular flappy bird game for smartphones where you can easily control the bird by touching the screen and keeping the bird away from touching the pillars. While creating this game on your Arduino you will learn a number of things like game theory and fundamentals of Arduino and that’s what makes it a top project. Well, you can find the coding aspect a bit tricky but with a little bit of patience, you can easily get it created.

Features of Clone of the Popular Game Project

-> You will learn to install a TFT touchscreen to feature the visual

-> You can also use the TFT Mega shield adapter and an Arduino mega board for this game

-> Learn to implement the UTFT and URTouch Libraries for the coding part of this project

-> You can also use the EEPROM library for storing the highest score

-> With so many components it will be tricky but can be implemented

10. A Personalized Alarm System 

Wants to be more secure than a personalized alarm system that you can create this Arduino project to tighten your security. All you need is an ultrasonic alarm system using an Arduino board. If you are also a security enthusiast then the alarm system will be activated whenever a person or object appears in front of the sensor. You can anytime deactivate the alarm using a dedicated password.

Features of This Project

-> You will learn the installation of an ultrasonic sensor, an LCD, a 4X4 keypad, and a buzzer

-> You will connect the buzzer with the sensor so it can activate the alarm when someone comes in front of it. 

-> The user enters a password for deactivating the system

11. Building a Quadruped Using Arduino

If you are also a beginner in Arduino then this will help you increase your interest in the field. This quadruped is very similar in outlook to a spider and requires you to construct the outer materials carefully. It will contain four legs and will have three joints and each of these needs a servo motor. You will learn the fundamentals required to implement automated robots.

Features of this Project 

-> You will learn the installation of 12 serve motors along with a detailed understanding of the servo motor working principles.

-> You also need a 12 pin Arduino board to connect the 12 servo motors to them

-> You can also learn the installation of 12 pin Arduino board to connect the 12 servo motors

-> Go for something extraordinary by adding a wireless controller to control your Quadruped

12. Kaleidoscope Infinity Mirror

One of the best Arduino projects ever is to build a kaleidoscope Infinity mirror using just an Arduino board. On its completion, you will have a mind-blowing infinity mirror illusion which you can use to entertain your guests as they will definitely find it amusing. As long as you change the orientation of the mirror, from one side to another you can control this mirror. The colors inside will also vary based on the orientation you hold. If you want to go ahead you can spice it up by adding psychedelic effects into the mirror.

Features of this Project 

-> You will learn the installation of LED lights along with an Arduino 101 board. 

-> You can also use heat shrink tubing if feeling a bit fancy and learn more about it as it will increase your knowledge. 

-> Use AA batteries for its installation

13. A Follow Me Coller 

The name might confuse you but this is a fun project that you can try to learn more about Arduino and its works. You will be building an autonomous cooler that will follow wherever you go. It is perfect for the summer season as you will get cool water and drinks wherever you will go. You need to create a wooden base that will include the wheels for transporting the cooler, as it will make sure your drinks stay cool no matter where you go.

Features of this Project

-> Understanding how to use medium-density fiberboard for the base

-> Learn how to connect the cooler with your smartphone using Bluetooth or GPS so it can navigate behind you.

-> Learning L298n Motor Driver is recommended for controlling the Swivel motors

14. A Superb Gesture Control 

This is probably the best Arduino project ever and on this list. Many people take this as a challenge and try to create a gesture control using Arduino as it allows you to control an Arduino project by gesturing your hand. Just imagine you can control a robot car just using your hand.  You can do it right, it will. All you need are some tools like an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer to build such a project effectively.

Features of this Project 

-> Learning to use GY-80 Module to implement and control the different sensors

-> Using the top modules like NRF24L01 for effective wireless communication

-> Utilizing the MEMS module for controlling the overall project

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15. Smoke Detection Sensor Using the MQ-2 Gas Sensor

This is definitely the best Arduino project that you can develop to immensely increase your knowledge on the topic. The best part of this project is that it solves real-life problems in the most exceptional manner. You know how much we are scared of the fire and this smoke detection sensor will help you know if there is any around. It will easily detect smoke and also any other inflammatory by utilizing the MQ-2 gas sensor.

It will also consist of a buzzer that gets turned on whenever there is any kind of smoke. A LED indicator will also be featured that will turn red when the system senses such gases and remain green when the environment is safe.

Top Features of Smoke Detection Project is 

-> Learning the installation of MQ-2 gas sensors that will easily detect the presence of any potential gases.

-> The analog input of the sensor will activate the buzzer after reaching a defined level of gas presence.

-> The LED will signal red if there is any detection of gas and green when everything is fine. 

-> You can add more by sending an SMS to your personal number whenever it detects any gas.

We have reached the end of today’s post featuring the best Arduino projects for 2021. Thanks for staying with us on such a long journey. We’ve curated this list in a way so that both newcomers and seasoned Arduino experts can find some form of inspiration and take on a specific project from the list. We encourage you to modify the projects as you build them because we believe that’s the only way you learn electronics.

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