Top 10+ Mobile App Development Frameworks 2022-2023

Top 10+ Mobile App Development Frameworks 2022-2023

When the internet was founded, everybody including us thought that the idea of a website is never going to end. But in 2008 when mobile apps started taking the driver’s seat, we are forgetting the use of the website. More and more enterprises are switching from desktop to mobile applications. And why not choose a mobile app for their business over a website? The apps are much faster than the website to reach the target audience, increase sales and earn more profit.

However, even the mobile app development industry is also going through one of the most competitive phrases. Now, with the latest technology, every one of the competitors of each business is stepping its feet onto it. Because of these scenarios, the selection of the right framework along with an apt platform and development strategy becomes crucial. Over the past few years, the number of programming languages has increased enormously for both Android and iOS operating systems. Even cross-platform app development has also gained momentum, and one can certainly give this credit to the best frameworks for this major transformation. Now let us have a look at the current and future best frameworks, so you have an idea of which framework you need to invest in while creating a mobile app.

Top 10+ Mobile App Development Frameworks 2022-2023

1. React Native

Facebook launched one of the popular cross-platform frameworks. It was released in 2013 and has become one of the preferred choices for mobile app developers. React Native is an open-source framework offering ample support to IDEs and other mobile app development tools. It helps for creating native apps for both Android and iOS platforms with its optimal JavaScript framework.

2. Flutter

Flutter was launched by Google & is an open-source mobile application development SDK. It is written in Dart language and is also one of the best cross-platform app development frameworks. If you are looking forward to creating hybrid app development you should consider Flutter as it is best suited for the development of hybrid apps. Flutter uses the 2D rendering engine called Skia to develop the visuals. Even testing your project is easy in Flutter as you don’t have to restart your projects if there is any mistake.

Here’s how you can hire a flutter app developer.

3. Ionic

Ionic is one of the widely used frameworks employed for the development of mobile apps. It is free of cost to use. Ionic helps in building native-based apps with a combination of HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript. The element of HTML5 helps in building hybrid app development as well. There is no doubt that it is regarded as one of the best assets for progressive web app development. It can also perform well with a powerful software development kit such as Angular.

4. Xamarin

With everyone launching a powerful framework, then why would the software giant Microsoft will be left behind? Microsoft introduced Xamarin, which is based in San Francisco. To make the best use of Xamarin, the developers must learn to code in C#. It will help them develop useful apps for Android, iOS, and Windows. It also allows the benefit of code sharing, the developers can save a lot of time as they can share with both Windows and macOS platforms.

5. Apache Cordova (earlier, PhoneGap)

Apache Cordova is another developer and user-friendly framework for mobile app development. It has a Command Line Interface, which is a text-based user interface. Mobile app developers can make use of CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript to make cross-platform mobile apps. Developers can even use Cordova plugins to access cameras, GPS, and other hardware features, offering users an amazing native-like experience.

6. Corona SDK

When it comes to creating top mobile game apps, app developers make use of Corona SDK. It is a popular open-source app development framework. It is written using the lightweight LUA scripting language, which makes it easy to use and flexible to develop cross-platform gaming applications. 

Apps made using this framework work on Android, iOS, as well as Nook devices.

7. JQuery Mobile

JQuery is an HTML-based development framework. One of the unique identities that jQuery posses is that it can run across all devices with just a single code version. You can use this framework to build both mobile apps and websites & get extensive support for all types of operating systems including Windows, macOS, Blackberry, Firefox, and Kindle, etc. It is available in two variants, the first one is a customized framework and the second one is the latest stable version.

8. Intel XDK

It is also one of the cross-platform mobile app development frameworks that can help in creating meaningful apps with the presence of plugins. You can develop responsive & interactive apps for all devices. It makes testing, debugging, and emulation easier and also supports next-generation technologies such as IoT and popular frameworks like Node.js. Another advantage is of previewing your project live if you are making any changes.

9. Native Script

Native Script was ranked as the best framework for the development of hybrid apps. The apps using the Native Scripts utilize the same APIs, similar to using Xcode or the Android Studio.

10. Mobile Angular UI

The Mobile Angular UI combines the implementation of Bootstrap and Angular framework. It simplifies the process of development, and you can build the apps using HTML5. This free framework also makes use of fastclick.js and overthrow.js to offer a seamless experience.

11. Framework 7

Framework 7 is a much easy-to-learn and user-friendly open-source framework on the list. App developers can create web, mobile, and desktop apps using this framework. It has outstanding UI components and also possesses numerous widgets such as popups, dialog boxes, tabs, list views, etc.

Framework 7 has a default FastClick library and also supports React Native, Vue.js, and Svelte.

12. Swiftic


Swiftic is a great mobile app development framework exclusive to iOS devices. It comes with a user-friendly interface and multiple features such as:

  • Third-party integration
  • Easy push notifications
  • Engagement with customers
  • Option for building one’s own mobile store
  • Cutting-edge analytics

Swiftic also offers a 6-months success assurance. If the app developer doesn’t get the desired results, he gets a free service for 6 months.

13. Appcelerator Titanium


Appcelerator Titanium is another popular cross-platform and open-source app development framework. It lets mobile app developers create native apps using one codebase for Android, iOS, and Windows devices.

App developers use this framework as it employs Ally and built-in UI components, which makes it super easy and quick to develop apps. What’s more interesting about Appcelerator Titanium is that it is a cloud-synced framework, allowing developers access regardless of location and time.


If you are looking for expert mobile app development services, then you know that frameworks are the most important driving tools for building web applications. Every app has different requirements, so the choice of the framework must be made carefully and after ascertaining the other essential factors. The above list shows the favorite frameworks among the developers.

Partner with VerveLogic, a professional and experienced mobile app development company, and let this year be the one introducing your first app to the market. At VerveLogic, we build competent mobile apps for both Android and iOS devices and for clients worldwide. Let’s discuss your ideas today.

Also, if you are looking for outstanding Branding and Digital Marketing services for your business, it’s time to relax. Our constituents, VerveBranding and VerveOnlineMarketing are here to serve you with the best. Connect today.

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6 thoughts on “Top 10+ Mobile App Development Frameworks 2022-2023

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