Digging Deep In The App Designing: How To Design A Mobile App Focusing On The Aspect Of Quality?

Digging Deep In The App Designing: How To Design A Mobile App Focusing On The Aspect Of Quality?

The world of app is changing in the most rapid rate and the credit goes to new trends which has created a challenge in the life of the developers. The app users in present time is highly choosy as every users is in a look out for getting something new and more exciting. The users in this era is least interested in compromising in the quality front be it any physical product or any mobile app.

Looking into the changing inclination of the users, it is important on the part of the developers to create an app that satisfies the users need and also the current need of the market. There are approx 2.8 million of android apps and 2.2 million iOS apps in the app market but nothing can beat uber or whatsapp. It is the quality of the app is the most vital factor in deciding the success of the mobile app. According to a study only 16% of people prefer trying the mobile apps twice, if not satisfied for once.

Now the biggest question, how to ensure the optimal quality for the app? Here ensuring the quality means increase in number of downloads, growth in the number of customers, enhancement in revenue, usage statics and maintaining the quantitative metrics.

This post is dedicated to highlight some tips that can enhance the quality of your app in the process of development.

  • Mobile application testing is extremely important

There are many developers who believe that developing an app and then launching in the app store is the end of the process. In other words, there is no necessity of testing the application after the full development of the app. This kind of practice is faulty. Professional android application development designers suggest that after the development of the app,testing phase is really crucial before launching the app. This way the functionality of the app is tested and the quality of the app is not sacrificed,thus, handing over a great application to the users. This way a high rate of revenue and download can be expected from the app.

There are ideally two methods of testing an app, manual and automation. Experts suggest that if developers add new features or function in the app, it is better to test it manually. The automatic test of the script can be done for regression test cases or for complex task which cannot be tested manually. The testing can include external as well as internal audit in which all sorts of the bugs can be removed and also opt for device fragmentation. While doing appropriate testing, an ideal tool is needed which evaluate the mobile apps on cloud and lab based approach.

  1. Keep a strict audit on the app performance

If you want your app quality to be really high and stand out in the crowd, it is important to manage the app performance. Maximum users uninstall an app because they are not entirely satisfied with the overall performance that includes quick navigation, speed of the app, UI and UX design and many other.

You app should not be a medium to collect the data and records only. It is important to collect data and records but the importance of performance cannot be subsided. Your app should not have excess software development kit as it hampers the loading time of the app making it slow or even get it crashed. Apart from it, software development kit affect the battery of the device

Therefore, analytics a very important position but not at the cost of the app performance.

  1. The security of the app is paramount

In this high cybercrime arena, the security of the app is supremely important. Ignoring the security of the app will by default reduce the quality of the app significantly. Experts from iphone app development company in jaipur suggest that if you app needs users login details to enter and work, then employing verification gateway is really important. The verification gateway is also important if you app has inbuilt payment facility like ecommerce or cab booking etc.

  1. A highly experienced team with overall platform knowledge

A well qualified team of mobile app development teams should definitely consist of a project manager, android or iOS developers, frontend and backend developers, UI and UX design, mobile app tester etc. if you want your app development to be highly qualitative then prefer hiring only professional who has a comprehensive knowledge about the concerned area. A highly trained, professionally qualified app development team can create an app in a limited amount of time with utmost precision.

  1. Get a clear vision in mind

Having an experience can help you develop various kinds of app but having a clear and comprehensive vision of what you want to develop is a very crucial understanding. The documentation of the app holds a real significance in enhancing the quality of the app. It will help the developer to keep their efforts concentrated towards developing a particular kind of app without getting the path deviated. This way the quality of the app remain intact. The documentation process saves lot of time and money at the same time.

  1. Consider the review and rating of the app seriously

If you prefer that your app quality remain of high grade, then it is really important to stay connected with the end users and give extreme importance to the reviews and ratings. The customers reviews give valuable feedback after using the app which makes it easy on the part of the developer to analyse the app and make necessary changes and updates.

Thus, it is highly recommended to go through necessary feedbacks on a regular basis and address the concern issue.

  1. Give preference to cross platform apps

If you look into the app market closely, you can find the growing prominence of cross platform app which has got real prominence off late. The major reason for cross platform apps being popular is, it helps the app reach to a wider audience. It saves time and hard work in programming by logical modelling and create a native UI in the end.


The users in present time has emerged lot more choosy in installing apps, thus, an emphasis on quality and the cost cannot be anywhere forgone. It is the quality of the app that will bring better traffic and download metrics, therefore, it is important to test the apps thoroughly and identify any potential problem before the app gets on air.

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1 thought on “Digging Deep In The App Designing: How To Design A Mobile App Focusing On The Aspect Of Quality?

  1. Karma Seo

    App development is the need of today’s world so when it comes to design it should be attractive and make use of conversion elements.


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