50 Stats for Mobile App Growth and Success in 2022

50 Stats for Mobile App Growth and Success in 2022

There are more than 3.2 billion smartphone users around the globe. And that is how mobile apps become one of the best ways to reach out. The usage of mobile apps is growing steadily and especially with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has compelled many businesses to re-think their business models and start a mobile app of their own.

Did you know an average American check their phone every 12 minutes and 10% of the people check their phones once every four minutes? In this blog, we would be able to analyze some of the amazing facts related to mobile app development, mobile app marketing, and more.


Source: Giphy

With a lot of competition in the market among mobile apps, it can be difficult to become an industry leader. But if we follow the latest trends and learn about where the market is going, we will be able to find success faster. So are you ready to gulp in a lot of information related to the iOS and Android mobile app development specified below? Let’s get started.

Statistics Related To Mobile Usage

The number of mobile apps and mobile app downloads is increasing continually. What do we have in store for us? Let’s learn:

S. No. Mobile Usage Statistics
1 There will be about 7 billion mobile users in 2021 around the world.
2 There were about 218 billion annual mobile app downloads in 2020. This accounts for a seven percent year-over-year increase
3 An expenditure of $143 billion was hit on the app store which is a 20 percent year-over-year increase.
4 Four hours and ten minutes is the average daily time spent on a mobile device in 2020, viewing an increase of 20 percent year-over-year
5 People spend 92 percent of their time on mobile using apps. 44 percent is taken up by social networking and communication apps.

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6 Web browser takes up only eight percent of time spent on mobile.
7 Eight percent more time is spent by Americans on mobile than watching live TV each day.
8 After only one use 25 percent of users abandon a product.
9 Gen X/Baby Boomers (ages 41-75), Millennials (ages 25-40) and Generation Z (ages 6-24) spend 30 percent, 18 percent and 16 percent more time year-over-year, respectively, in their most-used apps.
10 Peaking in Q2 of 2020, 40 percent more hours streamed on mobile.

Mobile users of today are dependent on their devices. All these numbers speak out the psychology of mobile app users of today. Some of these statistics related to mobile app usage can come in handy when you are looking forward to mobile app development.

Statistics Related To Mobile Performance

Adapting to the digital content and the device user is viewing the data on is extremely important. It is a complex domain that requires the optimization of mobile apps. App performance, server performance, network performance, and API performance are the main components of mobile performance.

Delivering the content as soon as possible is the main aim of mobile web optimization. Let’s see some of the statistics related to mobile performance that can change the course of your mobile app development.

S. No. Mobile Performance Statistics
1 71 percent of uninstalls are due to app crashes.
2 iOS devices report 67 percent of bugs.
3 Users find about 44 percent of in-app defects.
4 More time is needed for testing for about 47 percent of apps.
5 Interface inconsistencies leave 58 percent of users frustrated.

mobile app

Source: Giphy

6 Overall app performance leaves 52 percent of users frustrated.
7 If users don’t find an app valuable 29 percent of users will immediately abandon it.
8 If an app takes too long to load 70 percent of users abandon an app.
9 If users have to wait longer than three seconds for an app to load, it will leave 43 percent of users unhappy.
10 A poor mobile experience negatively impacts 65 percent of users’ opinion of the brand.

Testing your app critically is very important to avoid such issues. Here, we have a list of the Top 10 Automation Testing Tools in 2021 You Can Use.

Stats Related To Mobile Marketing

You can call Mobile Marketing the new definition of Digital Marketing. Marketing on or with mobile devices is called Mobile Marketing. Sending a message for a product advertisement, online shopping or any other marketing activity done through mobile can qualify under the definition of mobile marketing. It is also a part of iOS and Android mobile app development you cannot ignore. Let’s see some of the statistics related to mobile marketing.

S. No. Mobile Marketing Statistics
1 A new company or product was discovered by 51 percent of users when conducting a search on their smartphones.
2 An offline purchase is accounted for 78% of location-based mobile searches.
3 Mobile app platform to market to their prospects and customers is currently used by only 54 percent of marketers.
4 Hitting $240 billion in 2020, mobile ad spend touched 26 percent growth year-over-year.
5 A growth of 95 percent year-over-year could be seen in mobile ad placements in the United States.

Stats Related To Mobile Marketing

Also Read: Mobile App Ideas for Startups in 2021

6 A powerful retention method, multi-channel engagement strategy has retention rates 62 percent higher than apps that only engage users with one channel.
7 With 46 percent description updates, it became the most popular form of app store optimization (ASO).
8 The second most frequent form of ASO was app icon updates standing at 30 percent, up 24 percent year over year.
9 In 2020, a growth of 25 percent year-over-year could be seen in global spend across iOS and Google Play Stores hitting $112 billion.
10 Android owns a 71.93% market share coming up as the leading mobile operating system worldwide in 2021

A revolutionary marketing tact, mobile marketing is one of the best ways to advertise your products and reach customers directly. Today, we see a lot of people login in through mobile phones rather than through desktop/web.

Trends By Vertical Related To Mobile Apps

There are various important verticals in mobile apps that we will look towards now. All these can help you plan your mobile app development better. Without further ado, let’s start with the mobile apps:

Banking And FinTech

S. No. Trends For Banking And FinTech Mobile Apps
1 A record 4.6 billion downloads was hit by Banking and FinTech apps in 2020.
2 In Finance apps, time spent was up 45% worldwide outside of China with total downloads reaching 4.6 billion.

Food, Restaurants, And QSRs

S. No. Trends For Food, Restaurants And QSRs Mobile Apps
1 Food delivery and takeout apps took off in 2020. An estimated 128 billion sessions were clocked up by users.
2 Year-over-year growth of 60 percent was witnessed by food delivery apps in the United States in Q4 2020.


S. No. Trends For Travel Mobile Apps
1 Strong download growth of 255% and 75% could be seen by outdoor exploration apps recreation.gov and Geocaching respectively in the US, topping 2.7 million downloads.

Health And Fitness

S. No. Trends For Health And Fitness Mobile Apps
1 A growth of 50 percent year-over-year could be witnessed by medical app downloads owing to the coronavirus pandemic, having a demand for COVID-tracing and telehealth apps. More than 3.2 billion downloads could be seen across Health & Fitness and Medical apps.
2 $2 billion were spent by consumers for at-home exercise owning a 30% Growth Year-Over-Year


S. No. Trends For Retail Mobile Apps
1 82 billion hours are collectively spent by people on Shopping apps in 2020, which is a growth of 30% from 2019.
2 On mobile retail apps, $53.2 billion were spent by Americans between November 1 and December 9 owning a 55% growth year over year.
3 Live shopping social commerce (Pinterest, Instagram) combined are expected to reach a $2 trillion market by 2024.

Every vertical related to mobile apps has a different set of numbers. Which vertical are you planning to have for your mobile app development?

Predictions For Coming Years

Predictions For Coming Years

S. No. Predictions For 2021 And Beyond
1 The mobile ad spend grew to $240 billion in 2020 and is set to top $290 billion in 2021.
2 Voice assistants would be used by about 92.3 percent of smartphone users by 2023.
3 It is expected that by 2023, that the number of people watching videos on their mobile phones will reach 2.72 billion up from 2.16 billion in 2019.
4 The average mobile streamer in the US, the UK and South Korea will download 85%, 60% and 80% more video streaming apps in 2021.
5 In 2021, a 4-year CAGR of 57% and 62% could be seen in Business and Education apps respectively.
6 More than $120 billion in consumer spend will be tracked by mobile gaming in 2021.
7 43 percent acceleration in “at-home” activities will be driven by mobile phones with the epicentre of our social and working lives being our home in 2021.
8 About 135.6 million US users in 2022 will be using voice assistants.
9 Worldwide spending on public cloud services and infrastructure, as per IDC forecasts, will nearly double to around $500 billion.
10 It is expected that the global mobile workforce will reach 1.87 billion workers by 2022 i.e., over 42 percent of the global workforce

Stats for Mobile App Growth and Success: Wrapping Up

Mobile app development can be the key to success for you in 2021 and coming years. If we focus on delivering value to our customers and developing an iOS and Android app that loads fast, we can gain a lot of users. Mobile app development is in the league right now and to stay up with the trends we must get one for our business today.

Get A Mobile App For Yourself

VerveLogic is a mobile app development company that can help you get a mobile app of your own. We have a team of expert mobile app developers that work hard to deliver robust and functional iOS and Android apps. We aim at achieving 100% client satisfaction making us one of the best mobile app development companies in India.

You can also view 101 Web Design Statistics, Facts 2021 You Must Know with our comprehensive blog linked above.

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2 thoughts on “50 Stats for Mobile App Growth and Success in 2022

  1. Olive Yew

    Some of the stats presented above were new to me and helped me understand more about mobile apps. Thank you so much for posting this content.

  2. Teri Dactyl

    Very relevant and nicely presented stats. This was exactly what I was looking for on the internet.


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