Path To Retention: How To Reduce The Churn Rate In Mobile Applications?

Path To Retention: How To Reduce The Churn Rate In Mobile Applications?

A marketing campaign for an application can be considered fruitful when it helps in users acquisition as well as enhance the retention of the app in the mind of users. The combination of user acquisition and high retention rate can bring better download rate and make a strong base for loyal customers. To reach to this metric in your marketing approach, it is important to keep the communication metric in control.

The churn rate for any application can be kept in control by keeping a check at the marketing campaign in your control. Churn rate is actually a percentage of users that leaves or abandon the app after sometime. Churn rate can also be understood as the opposite of retention rate. This means that a high retention rate would mean low churn rate and vice versa.

Now, the biggest question is how to prevent and reduce the churn rate of a mobile app?

Here’s the listing of some factors that will help in understanding the reason behind rising churn rate and how to tackle it:

Let us dive in:

Identifying the reason

The first and foremost action is to find out why and how you should be checking the churn rate is growing or not in your app. Have a look at these factors:

  • In app events: Developers from iphone application development firms suggest that in app events shows the users engagement level within your app. By tracking these events such as number of taps, subscription, achieved level, purchase rate etc, will help in devising the strategy against churn rate.
  • Engagement rate:  It is highly important to measure the activity for in app event and engagement metric by highly reliable tool to device campaigns based on the needs and the expectations of the users.
  • User segmentation: the audiences for any app is divided in many segments. It is highly important to strategise campaign based on various segments that the app satisfy. You will have to devise your campaign that suits with the need and expectation of audiences belonging from various segments.

Gathering feedback from mobile app users

After the possible point of faults are recognized, it is important to accumulate the users feedback. The best way to make this effort go well is by preparing a social calendar that should define the feedback activity keeping in mind the end goal. It is better to collect as much feedbacks as possible to get a brief idea about the intention of the users and the market needs. This way you will be able to reach to the mindset of users which will in turn reduce the churn rate.

4 ways to prevent the app from churning

  • Identify and re engage the app users

Developers from best iphone game development companies suggest that the first step towards stopping the app churning is identifying the engagement level of the users. Find the reason  behind uninstalling the app. Make use of various kinds of tools to discover pattern, preferences of users while using your app. This way it will be easy to identify the faults and also help in taking impactful steps towards eliminating the churning reason.

  • Provide personalize app experience

When you know that your users are quitting your app, in this situation something personalized should be done. Craft something that offer value to users who left the app or have shown sign of leaving it. This personalize app experience can be provided by identifying the reason behind the reduction in the retention rate of the users. Use tools to grab impressions from different segments and provide a personalized experience to them.

  • Contextual marketing

Marketers should always work according to the need of the users. Market your app keeping in view the needs and expectations of the potential customers. This way the app will engage the users in a better way. Make sure the context of your app is absolutely clear for the users and your app should provide certain amount of value to the audience as compared to other apps. If this is done well, you can reach to users firmly.

  • Location based marketing

To enhance the position of the app, branding the app locally is also a beneficial approach. This trend is finding its place very prominently these days. It has shown great results for marketers who are penetrating locally and marketing the app there.

Rethink about the value proposition

To attract the attention of the mobile users, it is important to rethink and rebuild the value proposition to suit the need of the mobile app users. For getting this approach done, make sure to re evaluate the services offered and the solution of any problem that may arise in users who’s answers are expected from your app. This way you will be able to keep up the retention rate high by analysing the behaviour of the users and highlighting the core of your app that suits the purpose.


The above mentioned points are directed to the only need for high retention level of users. This metrics can be maintained only when the reason of the churn can be identified and eliminated timely.

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