How To Code a Mobile App – Learn Building Mobile App in 30 Days

How To Code a Mobile App – Learn Building Mobile App in 30 Days

A unique business idea is not easy to come to your mind which is going to make you a millionaire or let’s say make people’s lives easier from all around the globe. But everything is possible when you are persistent in making this world a better place in the most innovative way. Well, after reading the above two lines, it looks like we are making it a motivational blog but let us change our track towards and have a look at our main objective.

You might have a great breakthrough idea for a business and it requires a mobile app. But now what? How to move ahead? Which direction to choose? If you are not from the app development background then let me tell you these are some of the most influential questions that you need to answer before you move ahead with the app development for your business. And that is why it is important to consult a mobile app development company before you move any further with your idea.

Nevertheless, you need to figure out how you will get it to market. If you are planning to build apps then it takes more than just an idea. Now you may ask what’s the first step in mobile app development? It all depends on what you want to do? If you are planning to create your first app alone then you have an idea about mobile app development. But since you do not have any programming language skills you might be thinking, is it even possible to create apps if you lack the basics of coding language? How to start with an app for beginners?

To be honest, learning to code an app is not an easy task. But also not impossible. Think of it this way, you have your idea and a mobile app is a way to let people know about it. For a business to be successful in the market you need to engage with consumers and having an app to do so improves customer experience. A mobile app also offers a way to reach customers 24*7. Now that’s amazing as mobile apps are competent to do business even if your office hours are closed or you are just happy vacationing somewhere else.

If you are planning to learn to code in the next 30 days then you need to work smarter as being ingenious can really help you learn to code a mobile app for your idea. Now let us understand how you are going to do so.

Understanding the Final Goal of your App

As mentioned above there are many factors that impact the mobile app development process. You need to know what you want to learn before you start coding. So, you know about the right app development tools to assist you. If you want to learn how to code but do not know what your real goals are then life moving in a direction without any destination. If you are not aware of what you want then your end result will be an amalgamation of many things. And when you only have 30 days to learn how to code, specifying your goals becomes more important. Find out exactly what your app will do and how you will get that process to work.

How to code a mobile app from scratch is a common question among entrepreneurs. They often find a useful solution from an android app development company. But when they do not have a budget or are in the starting phase of their business, they often look for learning how to code mobile apps. When you are going with the second option you must be very clear. You can start by establishing what your target users want? What will they be expecting in the app? What’s important for you to deliver?

As a leading mobile app development company in the industry, we suggest you get a clear idea of what your app should offer at a bare minimum. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fulfill these requirements. You can always add them at a later stage. Since you are developing this app by yourself, you only need to learn the implementation of important factors and how to do that. Once you are done with the first version of your app you can focus on what all needs to be improved.

Once you learn about the core functionality, you want to wireframe everything that your app will do. Wireframing can be defined as the process where you create a basic layout of your app.

Mobile App

Before you start the development process, it is crucial to know what each button does as writing down all of these will help you later. And that is why wire-framing is important as it makes it easy to understand graphic design and simplify bug fixes when you move along with the process. No matter whether you create a mobile app for yourself or for the users, you should always start here first.

And since you are learning and developing a mobile app behind your idea you do not want anything to go wrong in the next 30 days. So, blueprinting your pre-requisites becomes a more important factor. Layout all the features in advance so you know what’s required and what’s not.

Once you are clear what all functionalities you want, you need to focus on what kind of architecture do you want to use? Basically, it will answer the following questions: Will you be storing data on the user’s device, or in the cloud? Do you need to send push notifications? How would you like to connect your database? You also need to figure out the basic backend of your app as soon as possible.

Mobile App

If you do not want to get into the backend too much for your iOS apps then we suggest you connect with the iOS app development company as they can easily choose the best method and work on it for you.

Up next, you need to choose the right language to learn and the primary language used for most of the android app development in Java.

As a business owner, you also might want to know more about the complete mobile app development process if you want to take complete advantage of mobile app development. With successful app development, you can have a complete industry at your feet and that is why we brought you a comprehensive blog on Mobile App Development Process: Step-by-Step Guide 2021.

The primary languages used for most of the iOS app development are Swift or Objective C. Both of them are used worldwide as per the company’s requirements and needs. So, these two languages are the two platforms for a head start.

As a business, it is crucial for you to understand the importance of mobile apps in your lives. Now our users live their full life hanging around the apps as they keep them connected and make their daily lives easier. Mobile app development has become a sort of cheat code for businesses to achieve success in the market. If you also want to reap the benefit of this technology then you need to know who these apps are built to create high rate user-friendly applications. Let us see it more at How to create a mobile app – Step by Step Guide.

Choosing the right language for your mobile app development is again crucial cause your skills will be worthless if you can’t program in the correct framework. If you are not sure, then we suggest opting for the platform in which you are most comfortable. Most of the businesses opt for android app development first for a head start. Because android already has a huge number of consumers and has more resources for the development as compared to iOS apps on the iOS platforms.


Start By Learning The Critical Basics

Understanding basics right from the start is vital for success in any endeavor, especially when it comes to coding. The best part is there are a lot of free resources available in the market to get you started in the right direction. To begin you need to learn how to set up programming set up so you can run your code. Second, you need to learn how to set up an environment that will let you work efficiently.

For instance, if you are looking to code for iOS apps using Swift or Objective – C then you need XCode. On the other hand, for android mobile app development, you need to learn about Android Studio.

On moving ahead you need to learn about version control. The most common version is Git, which is a free tool that saves revisions of your code. It comes in handy, especially when you are making errors which you will as you can restore an earlier version of your code to remove the bug.

It is important to learn more and more about the system as it pays off once you start with the right development, especially when you are working with a team.

In the end, you need to learn about the language you are going to use for the development. Make an objective in which you will overcome all the basic errors that you might get and common problems beginners face. Learn about the right syntax and commands of the language day by day. And finally, when you have all the above languages you can create a roadmap for your learning.

One of the factors that have worked for such a boost in the number of mobile apps is the increased accessibility of smartphones. And the fuel to the fire was the inception of the coronavirus pandemic. But that doesn’t mean you can straightaway move ahead with the development. For businesses, it is quite important to see all the sides comprehensively before making any decision. So, 10 Steps you must take before starting mobile app development.

Be Strategic About What you Choose to Learn

As Aforementioned, there are different types of app development but since you are learning how to code a mobile app from scratch you need to focus on one sort of app development. Especially the one which offers you quick results for lesser work. As you are developing a mobile app that revolves around your business idea, you need to focus on the features more because it will be the features in your mobile app that will deliver results.

Along with important functions you also need to focus on offering a smooth user interface. Find out the key differentiators or the trending designs that can make your app different from every other app in the market. Keeping these two things in your mind revolve your search around these required skills. Create a basic outline for your 30-day learning plan. Let us see an example to understand more about it.

If you are developing a productivity app, first you need to spend your time learning a to-do list feature, the next two weeks on how to incorporate project folders, and the final week on accounts and authorization.

No matter what features your mobile app requires, you need to make sure the scheduled time to learn the skills necessary for smooth and successful development. If all this seems hectic to you, we suggest hiring a mobile app development company for the app development behind your idea as you will see a much better result.

Defining a roadmap is crucial in mobile app development along with a comprehensive personal learning style. You can use the most advanced ways like online tutorials or take help from Youtube videos to learn more about the programming. If one of these methods you find easy then we suggest you opt for online courses as they provide the right instruction and instant feedback on your progress through interactive exercises and most of the courses cost very little to get started.

Since we are so much into mobile app development, it is important for you to know that does not learn while designing your app. If you start the app and learn as you build it, you have to go back many times and erase much of the code. We suggest you work on small projects first then start with the real app development for the error-free code and mobile app development. This will also leave your app-wide open for security gaps you didn’t realize when you were just starting.

As a leading mobile app development company, no one other than help you explain how long does it take to make a mobile app? Not every app is the same as it takes time to understand the industry first. So, here’s a complete article that will help you know exactly how long does it take to develop an app and what factors directly or indirectly affect the time to develop an application.

How to Learn Day to Day

Now that you have a complete idea about the general frameworks and development now you need to learn the process faster. As you want to learn to create mobile apps in 30 days then you need to be consistent with your practice to see the results. Constant practicing will help you start to notice patterns in different things and that can be beneficial for you in the long term. So, instead of working tirelessly one day a week, working an hour a day can be really helpful.

You can learn how to set up variables, close lines of code, and create if and while statements. Another way to check yourself is to finish small projects. Instead of finding out on the final app that really matters.

Use Strict Deadlines

If you are really planning to learn code in just 30 days then you really need to be dedicated to set realistic deadlines for completing your project. We suggest you prepare a realistic estimate of how long it is going to take to design the app itself. Even the simplest app takes around 2-3 months to create, plus the approval process.

Don’t push the deadline back, but consider focusing on fewer tasks and skills if you don’t have the time to commit to everything you had planned. But what if you don’t have the time investment to make in learning code? Well, there are a few shortcuts you can take to get your app to market faster.

There are many things that you need to consider if you want to learn how to code mobile apps. All you need to be is to be fast with the development so you can consider this working out.

Moreover, if you are planning to start your business and need a top mobile app to represent your business then hiring VerveLogic for the development is the right way to move ahead. We are a top mobile app development company that caters to all your native, hybrid and cross-platform mobile app development needs along with comprehensive digital marketing, website designing and development, and logo creation needs.

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