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How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora?

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora?

What is Quora? Can I develop a mobile application like Quora? Is it expensive to develop a mobile application like Quora? What will be the exact cost of developing a mobile application like Quora? Which company can help me develop a mobile application like Quora? We have discussed all the development of a mobile application like Quora. This blog will help you with the best consultancy and development of a mobile application. Read the blog to learn all the things to develop a mobile application like Quora.

Quora is home to a community of people sharing knowledge and information with each other in the form of questions and answers. It is one of those highly acclaimed platforms that is entirely made up of user-generated content. The questions are asked and answered over this platform which is its core functionality with some added features of facilitating users to edit the content, upvote or downvote, and even maintains their own blog. Since such platforms are based on sharing knowledge, this field is never going to suffer any downfall in terms of traffic.

Yet, it is hard for even biggies like Stack overflow, LinkedIn answers, Askville, etc to stay ahead of the curve due to huge competition. Quora is clearly outracing which is why most of the entrepreneurs are seen to develop some serious interest in knowing the secret recipe behind such a model along with its success factors. If you are one of those wondering how to develop an app like Quora, then here is the complete guide.

What is Quora? 

Quora is a platform on which users can raise questions related to different genres and other users can answer depending upon their opinions and outlook towards that particular problem. One question can receive more than one response. Over those responses, users can upvote or downvote which shows whether they support the answers or not. The answer with the highest number of upvotes is generally followed and worth reading.

Quora is purely framed out of the user-generated content which is its unique selling point. While registering over the platform, the users have to use their original identification or name which brings a significant down to the number of bots. Carrying such a huge user base, it has now become a solution to every problem. You do not even have to go to Quora to find the answers. The company carries out such strong marketing that it shines over Google SERPs top results almost all the time when you type any question over Google search.

The cofounders of Quora are Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever who were former Facebook employees. When asked, “How did Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever come up with the name Quora?”, the latter came up with a revert “We spent a few hours brainstorming and writing down all the ideas that we could think of. After consulting with friends and eliminating ones we didn’t love, we narrowed it down to 5 or 6 finalists and eventually settled on Quora. The closest competition that Quora had was Quiver.”

When Quora was started, its founder kept the main focus on one category i.e. marketing and entrepreneurship. After its acceptance in the market, it started to grow taking in multiple categories under one roof. The founders have now created a successful platform where like-minded people can connect, share their concerns and provide knowledge. Today, Quora works for almost all the domains which are why it is able to serve a gigantic amount of audience.

What to do before proceeding with the development of a platform like Quora?

It is pretty much clear that if you develop a platform, initially it would be free of content. This means, there would be no content shown on the app till users start using it. For users to start with you, you need to create an appreciable amount of content by yourself. Give users a reason to come to you and moreover trust you. When it comes to forming a strategy, either you follow Reddit or Quora, both would be beneficial for you. Another important thing that you need to keep in mind is that variety works as a spice. If you want more and more people to accept your platform, you have to offer them a variety of topics, in short, multiple categories. It is obvious that if you want to target almost all the segments, you have to step into those industry lines. It is not necessary for you to start with one category and then enhance it to a one-stop solution as Quora did. You can make a list of categories based on online searches supporting the niche. Then, narrow down the list and think about releasing your MVP.

Why Is It Worth to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora? 

Most online businesses seek a good level of traction and revenue out of their platforms. Quora-like platforms have both the things to provide you with. Here are the figures which confirm the statement.

1. There are 1,425,829 unique visits made to the platform on daily basis.

2. 3,421,990 is the count of daily page views.

3. The revenue that the website generates on daily basis is $12833 USD

4. The net worth of the platform is $4,693,471 USD

These figures are enough to tell much about the success such a platform can make out of the market. Let us see how these apps are managed.

How to manage an app like Quora? 

The success associated with your platform’s future depends upon its content and the audience. You need to target the right audience in the right ways. You have to take care of the type of content generated on your app and whether it is apt or not for the users. Here are few tips through which you can easily manage a Quora-like app.

1. Emails and notifications: Sending notifications is a great way to welcome your user back on your platform. Though, daily notifications might irritate them. Consider sending one or two emails in a week. If you are just confined to a web app, sending emails is the option whereas, for mobile apps, there is an added advantage of push notifications. If your app is powered by AI algorithms, then you have the added advantage of sending a completely personalized notification to the users containing things of their interest. If you do not go extraordinary, the user might forget you due to a literal rush in the market.

2. User engagement: Even if you are able to bring users to your platform, you have to put the effort into engaging them. Now, how to engage? Analyze the strategies already working in the market. For example, Quora allows you to follow a particular category, topic, or user so that whenever you open the application, you do not have to waste time searching for your interest. It is there in your feed. You need to work on the strategies that bring values and ease at the same time for the users. If your monetization model is based on the advertisement, then traffic and engagement would play a great role.

3. Content organization: Whenever we go, we love organized things. Think of a platform that shows you all the baby stuff on the top when you are about to graduate or a lot about cricket when you are not a sports lover. We call it “irrelevance”. Would it work? There has to be relevance and most importantly correct organization over a platform that you know, is going to used by many. Show up the thing of user’s interest and the latest content on the top so that they do not miss out on anything. It will give them a reason to visit your app again.

Features of a Question-answer app like Quora: 

If you approach any mobile development company to ask about the development of an app like Quora, their first question would be “Do you have a feature list?” It is important for them to assure a timeframe and cost. We have compiled must-have and advanced features of such apps to help the seekers and here are they.

There would be two types of people using the platform- Users and Admin

Features of User Panel to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora:

a. Registration/Login

b. Social media login

c. Feed

d. Forum

e. Generating questions

f. Answering the questions

g. Edit Questions & Answers, Topics

h. Hide identification

i. Personalization

j. Invite people to answer your questions

k. Manage Post

l. Manage Ads

m. Push Notifications

Features of Admin panel to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora: 

a. Logi

b. User management

c. Ad management

d. Posts management

e. Notification management

f. Reporting

g. Personalization

Advanced features to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora: 

A. Cloud storage integration: Nowadays, a lot of online businesses are going serverless which means you just have to develop a mobile app like Quora, and the rest maintenance is left to the cloud companies. It lets you store the information safely and also lets you touch the market quickly. There is comparatively a much lower cost and headache if you go for serverless.

B. CMS integration: Content Management System is the place from where the content over the website is added/edited/removed. Using this panel, you will be able to manage the whole app content once it goes live.

C. Social media APIs: Allow users to share the content with their friends and families through social media. Integrate social media APIs on the platform so that users can easily connect their social media account

KPIs to Develop a Mobile App like Quora: 

A. Engagement: In this era of innovations, if you come up with some old-school concept, people would hardly love it. Try to append some unique and at the same time user-friendly features to it so that when people visit, they love to stay. For a question-answer app, you can consider keeping features such as blogging, upvote, downvote, write anonymously, chat with connections, etc.

B. User acquisition: It is seen working when you encourage users to bring more people to the platform. Understand the value your platform offers and then form a strategy to approach people.

C. Retention rate: Social media is a people’s love of all times. You can increase the retention rate by simply allowing people to sync their social media accounts with your app. In this way, they can be notified whenever anyone from their circle joins the community. This was just an example, you can pick a number of good approaches.

Monetization Model to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora 

Any platform housing a huge number of users earn most of their revenue from advertisements. Similar is the case with Quora. It started off the beta testing by showing an advertisement to limited users while now, it makes a huge chunk of their gigantic revenue through their advertising feature.

Team structure required to Develop a Mobile Application like Quora. 

Whether you go for a company or a freelancer, below is the set of must-have resources in order to get a bug-free and effective application in your hand.

i. Android/iOS or Hybrid app developer

ii. Backend developer

iii. UX/UI designer

iv. QA analyst

v. Project manager

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Mobile App Like Quora? 

The cost of the application would be dependent upon a lot of factors like features required, type of designing required, region of a mobile app development company, experience, platforms, technology, etc. Going for features dependent upon AI, machine learning, NLP would give a further hike to the cost.

A Quora-like application would cost you somewhere around $25000. Adding more advanced features might take it to $55000. Still, the cost might vary according to the above-mentioned factors.

These are some of the main points you must focus on to develop a mobile app like Quora. Implementing all the facts or hiring an app development company in the USA can help you a lot. Using the guide, you can work on all these things and develop a mobile app like Quora.


You can make it easy to develop a mobile application like Quora. However, it would be best if you had the expertise to develop such a professional application development for your company. You can hire a dedicated developer to develop a mobile app like Quora. The mobile app developer will help you with the best app development for your company, where you do not have to go through many processes like research for related apps and explain everything to develop an application like Quora.

VerveLogic can be a mobile app and web solution development solution because we have a team of experts and market experience. So you can get your app or website developed at the best price possible. Also, if you are looking for branding solutions or online marketing for your brand, you should check out VerveBranding and VerveOnlineMarketing today and make your brand stand out.

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