How to Make a GPS App for Android & iOS? Get Answer

How to Make a GPS App for Android & iOS? Get Answer

What best way to make a GPS app for Android and iOS? How much will it cost me to design GPS app for both platforms? Do I need to hire an app development company to make a GPS app? What will be the best way to design an app for small businesses? Our team have got all such questions from our clients from different locations. You may have the same or related questions for your business app development. Now feel free to have the best app development services for your company. We will help you with the best app development you need to have for your company. Read the blog to drill down to make a GPS app for Android and iOS.

Geolocation is used to find the geographic location of any object, place or person with the help technology like mobile phone or internet connected devices. With the development of geolocation in the line of technology it has opened many gates in the field of mobile app development. Many startup ideas revolve around geolocation & some have already established their businesses that basically couldn’t exist without geolocation.

Not only the new apps development but the geolocation has also brought advancement on the existing technology because of which products are able to deliver better services, new angle of marketing and has even changed the workflow and interaction with the user. As we have mentioned that some applications are entirely based on geolocation and many startups are adding new features in this technology to make it more advanced and easy to use.

So, it is really important to know how to make a GPS app. There are many features that complete an app that is integrated with geolocation like overlapped, complement and other attributes. But you don’t have to worry as we will share everything that takes for the geolocation mobile app development.

How to make a GPS App: Step-by-Step

1. Look out for Ideas to make a GPS App

By figuring out what the market needs and how you can solve this by your GPS app. Look for better opportunities in the market and your competitors to make your app better.

2. Create Model of your App

You need to create a skeletal three-dimensional model of your app, so you can put your idea down on paper and develop a set of images of your app.

3. Adding GPS & MVP to Make a GPS App

You need to create a minimum variable product to evaluate your business idea, as you also need to take care of using the minimum budget while developing the apps & receive feedback from the users.

4. Include good number of Features in your App

After receiving the feedback, you can start the second development stage to make a GPS app in which you need to add other important features to your app.

Mobile Apps that Benefits from Geolocation Feature

GPS Tracking Apps

GPS tracking apps are used for security purposes, it can help keep children protected, to find stolen devices and vehicles, you can also keep a check on your employees or family members.

Geosocial Apps

If you have ever shared your location information posting your images on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms then you know what we are talking about.

Maps & Navigation

Whenever anyone hears about geo-location apps then the first thing that ever comes in the mind is that it helps us to navigate our way to a certain destination. We have seen a few amazing examples of navigation like Google Maps, Waze, compasses, schedules of urban transport, etc.

Weather Forecast Applications

All the great weather related applications use APIs and geolocation data to increase the stability, usability and accuracy. You might have used a weather widget in your smartphones. The weather apps are the most leading category in which GPS is usually used. About 68% in comparison to 32% of social networking apps.

Placing Annotation & Recommendations

These apps share information about all the places you can go out to eat or for fun. The reviews and ratings are given by other consumers and there are many such apps in the market.

On-Demand Services to make a GPS App

As we have mentioned that geolocation has opened many ways for the apps to better their service. That is why we can see it’s usage in food delivery apps and other delivery & transportation apps like Uber, Ola & Lyft.

Lifestyle Apps

Lifestyle apps use geolocation and it connects users according to their interests & lifestyle. For instance if you like Football then you can follow the updates on it. So, you can make a GPS app for lifestyle.

Event Apps

Event applications provide the organisation of events and put together event hosts and users. The apps allow you to book movie & event tickets sitting from your home at any location.

Health & Fitness Apps

Such apps use GPS data for tracking sports activities & patterns that a person uses. Almost every health and fitness app uses geolocation.

Travel Apps

The apps that you use to choose the place to travel and can do all the bookings at one place. Apps like TripAdvisor, Airbnb are some biggest examples of it.  GPS is one of the most important parts. In order to make a GPS app, you will need the feature for your company’s app if you are like to design an application like Uber or Ola. Therefore, making a GPS app and adding the same feature will be essential. In this case, you must avoid the feature of the location.

Social Networking & Dating Apps

Datings app allows you to connect you with the people as per your interest at any location. You can update your location and find your partner over there.

E-commerce to Make a GPS App

Mobile apps for electronic commerce businesses like Amazon, eBay use for better customer experience and fast service. It helps them with better delivery options and showing better products.

Augmented Reality

We are moving ahead with the latest technologies and augmented/virtual realities are the one who are going to take over the world in the next few years. Many popular brands using geolocation makes this experience much better & complete. You can also make a GPS  app for your compnay.

Technologies to Make a GPS App

There are the few features that we need to include to make a GPS app. Those two components are location services and maps. However, there are many ways to determine outdoor geolocation with different services. Let us dive deeper in the technologies that are needed to build an app with geolocation.


GPS stands for Global Positioning System and every smart phone consists of it’s chip inside their phone. It uses the information about location and timing that satellites send from space. The smartphone needs data from at least four satellites to determine position with about 50 feet accuracy.

Cell ID

If your phone doesn’t have GPS or it’s not working then it can also use information from cell towers to determine the location. Mobile networks help to determine which cell uses the customer & then compare it with the database. But this method works better in major cities where the amount of cells is high.

Assisted GPS

Assisted GPS approach combines GPS and Cell ID tools & happens to be even more precise than just GPS by itself.


Wi-Fi determines the position of the user the same way the Cell ID does, but it provides much precise data. There are two ways to determine position using Wi-Fi. The first one is RSSI (The RSSI stands for receive a signal strength indication) that refers to signals that come out from the phone along with a Wi-Fi database. The second one is used in frequently visited places. It uses profiles of some locations that are on Wi-Fi networks and called wireless fingerprints.

Indoor Geolocation Technologies

Let us look at the marketing facts that revolve around geolocation apps. Let us have a look at some interesting facts that will share more information about this technology. The indoor location based market has grown from $8 billion in 2014 to $30 billion 2016 for the geolocation app development. The mobile devices per capita has also increased from 9.6% in 2011 to 44% in 2019 and it has been observed that 8 out of 10 consumers prefer using their smartphones for making a purchase. All this data indicates that location based marketing is the new step to customers acquisition and retention.


Geofencing uses GPS in your devices and determines how close we are to the location, it can help in determining whether the users are inside or outside of a particular area. It is generally used to send offers or coupons to consumers of your services. This operating range is much further and can be used to provide a personalised experience.

Geolocation for IoT

Geofencing’s evolution has led to many opportunities for business as well as the latest technologies. And it has also influenced IoT(internet of things) along with it. Geolocation along with IoT connects more and more devices inside the shop & provides a superior shopping experience.  The experts have predicted that the market will increase up to $1.9 trillion by 2020 and about 30 billion connected devices in 2020 as compared to 17 billion in 2014.

Geolocation & Security

Security is one thing that users are usually concerned about and since the inception of the technologies the security has become more and more important. It is the reason that many users refuse to share their current location with the app as it could be used to harm them personally. So, if you are looking for geolocation app development then you need to look for security measures while it is being created and once the user starts using your app.


Location-based app development or making a GPS app is the new trend in the market and is shaking up all industries as it has already become the core of the many top apps. You can also create a geolocation app for your business to deliver information and benefits to your user and audience from time to time at the right place. So, when you have a GPS-based app for your company. It will be beneficial for you and your business target audience to use the services provided by your company. 

However, you can make it simple to make a GPS app for your company. VerveLogic’s dedicated team helps you with the best application development for your company.

VerveLogic can be a mobile app and web solution development solution because we have a team of experts and market experience. So you can get your app or website developed at the best price possible. Also, if you are looking for branding solutions or online marketing for your brand, you should check out VerveBranding and VerveOnlineMarketing today and make your brand stand out.

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