What Are The Trends In Mobile App Development Which Will Rule The Year 2018?

What Are The Trends In Mobile App Development Which Will Rule The Year 2018?

Time flys away in a blink! While we all are socking ourselves in 2017, 2018 is already knocking our door. It may seem difficult to believe that an year has already passed but sadly it’s the truth. Every year we expect something new to happen and this coming year seems to be no exception  from our expectations. New trends are emerging for the year 2018 that is capable of changing the wave of competition and beat it in every possible way. So let’s just not waste time and dive into the trends to look for in app development trend in 2018.

  • Accelerated mobile page(AMP)

Experts from mobile phone app development company in jaipur predict that introduction of AMP will make the page loading really faster keeping in mind that the low attention span of people, this features will help people to connect more with the app. Another important feature introduced by Google is isolated search index just for the mobile web.

In terms of SEO benefit, AMP are a new development hack to gain better SEO. It will help developers to develop fast loading websites and mobile apps. Therefore, the bounce rate would reduce significantly and engagement level would shoot!

  1. Android instant app

Instant apps work like websites, they are native apps. Instant app are simply ideal for better user performance. These native apps completely eradicate the complication of installing the app in mobile or web. They run easily on all android platforms and are easily are shareable.

  1. Blockchain

One of the most interesting trend in app development in 2018 is blockchain apps. Blockchain apps basically a record of company’s detailed listed as blocks, be it transaction or bitcoins. The advantage is none of the subsequent block can be altered without altering all the subsequent blocks along with collision of network. Developers in Iphone application development in jaipur believe blockchain apps are an ideal way to put aside your competition in the year 2018 and reach at better ranking in app store .

  1. Cloud technology

For the year 2018, one of the most beneficial feature is cloud technology. Cloud technology provide some of the major benefits in streamlined operation, reducing equipment cost and hosting, increases the app storage capacity and enhance productivity and collaboration. If you want your app work flawlessly, adapt to cloud technology.

  1. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is an essential component in apps development. Apps are interestingly working to understand the users preference with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Be it virtual personal assistance, cybersecurity, intelligent apps, or any other type, developers seek help from AI and ML.

  1. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Mobile phone are seriously getting revolutionarized with multiple core processors to give better user experience. It is expected that in the year 2018, more extensive usage of augmented reality and virtuality reality component will be seen in usual apps and games apps. Developers predict that AR and VR can generate revenue around $150 billion by 2020.

  1. Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis is seen adapted by most of the tech giants such as Apple, Google, Facebook, IBM and many others. This trend is about predicting the future by integrating AI. One can easily predict their business market position by considering data, and market output.

  1. Edge computation

The need for internet for things(IOT) has increased phenomenally which has also created an urge for computing technology. Edge computation works to push the data, application and computing power away from centralized points to logical extremes of the network. This is the technology that every tech giant is integrating.

  1. Mobile payment

Easy mobile payments and extensive usage of ecommerce websites has pushed the need for m commerce. We can see the extensive usage of mobile payments encouraged by Google wallet and Apple pay. This trend was a big hit in 2017 and is also expected to rule in 2018.

  1. Business bots

Developing any SAAS application or B2B application, bots are simply irreplaceable. The chatbots integration has been dominating in 2017 and this process is expected to continue in 2018 as well.

  1. Cyber Security

Cyber security is expected to rule in the coming year be it in internet of things(IOT) or mobile apps. Designers are developers will integrated the IT security feature in their apps from the initial process only. Enterprises will also look for checking the internet mutant by integrating best cyber security technology.

  1. Lazy loading

Pages that contain huge image files tends to take longer time to load as a result the bounce rates are too high and conversion ratio dips. In order to solve this problem of dipping conversion, tech experts have devised lazy loading technology where the images loads when their turn comes in the page.


There is no fix way to get success except hard work but best practices like above can definitely help. The year 2018 will have many surprises and technology that will rule the market, however, integrating you app with these upcoming trends stated above will help you in stay in competition and get your conversions.

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